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How to calculate the cost of ceramic tile

by:Overland ceramics     2020-10-05
Decorate need costs are generally not small, especially in this piece of ceramic tile, if you don't have to play good budget to buy the materials may lead to the final budget overruns, this small make up is how to make a brief introduction to decorate cost calculation, I hope it can help you! ( The cost of ceramic tile) 1, the cost of materials to decorate cost are generally not small, especially a piece of ceramic tile, and ceramic tile is the more significant factors affect the cost of decorate. The more ceramic tile, the greater the proportion of decoration materials, the greater the cost. And various types of decoration materials in the market, the grade, quality difference is big. Choose what level of decoration materials, decided to decorate cost directly. Decorate project and quantities are the direct factors influencing the cost. What if the number of cabinets, hanging at the top of the, what shape, etc. , will have an effect on the cost. Generally accounts for 40% to 45% the total cost of the project. 2, decorate artificial cost including different types of labor costs, such as carpenter, bricklayer's, plumber, painter, now of the calculation is usually and the construction unit price multiplied by the construction area of calculation basis. Labour costs generally accounted for about 25% of the total project cost 18%. 3, decorate a design about the design fee from several hundred to several thousand yuan, means that in some places, also called the sincerity gold owner pay design, decoration company will think that the owner has the sincerity to carry out the renovation project and the company, the company will also invest more manpower and material resources to serve the owners. Design is not to need to pay the cost of, as long as you can show your sincerity, other areas, the general decoration company can avoid the cost of small and medium-sized enterprises. 4, decoration management fee in decorating a process, decoration companies, out of the car and people buy material, the cost of the entrants, need to all aspects of the coordination. Accounting for the total cost of the 5, accounting for 10% of the total cost. 5, shipping and handling charge of the project including material handling, and disposal. And the owner of the material, from the owner of purchase. This is this issue about the cost of decorate some relevant matters needing attention, whether helpful to you? If feel good welcome to share! Finally thank you for watching! ( The cost of ceramic tile)
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