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The toilet of ceramic tile ceramic tile rendering detection

by:Overland ceramics     2020-12-11
Detection of bathroom tiles rendering is very exquisite, the following are some from the detection effect of bathroom tiles rendering summed up on the restaurant tiles figure of testing data, hope from the bathroom tiles in rendering the detection effect of information we can inspire. How do the old ceramic tile seam a slotted old is ceramic tile ceramic tile, certainly can do the seam, just do the old ceramic tile seam, there is a precondition to meet, is the old ceramic tile to leave a gap, can do the seam. Seam an agent products in the United States did not come out, before most people decorate house, ceramic tile seam were the shop is stuck, because there is no considering the ceramic tile seam shop is stuck, can lead to ceramic tile arch collapsed because of heat bilges cold shrink problem. And decorate a few tile, set aside the telescopic gap, deformation is considered. Clean ceramic tile ceramic tile maintenance technique 1: surface on the stain should keep clear of in time. According to the nature of the besmirch, choosing the appropriate detergent to clean. Acid-base properties of cleaner can effectively remove stains on the surface of the ceramic tile, but because of the acid and alkali compounds is likely to cause corrosion on the surface of the ceramic tile and so should not be frequently used, should be used more for neutral ph cleaner. Daily cleaning available household detergent, soap, such as cleaning. Such as the ink staining solution spilled out of the strong sex, on the surface of the tile should be swabbed clean immediately. To add a few ammonia with soap or amount of linseed oil and turpentine oil mixture, such as ceramic tile can be cleaned more luster, decontamination sex is stronger. 2: aperture gaps processing ceramic tile is the accumulation of dirt and germs, most need to pay special attention to cleaning and maintenance. The main raw material is to be bored with child and white cement, so dirt adhesion on difficult to scrub clean. After completed in ceramic tile shop sticks and daily cleaning, can use hair brush a waterproof agent in aperture place, can have waterproof mouldproof effect. Often cracks easily infected with besmirch, can use the candle daub is in place of ceramic tile juncture can prevent stains ahead too much attachment. 3: wear repair often due to friction, deposition of stains on the surface of the ceramic tile and appear on the surface of problems such as uneven situation, such as tile surface appear a few minor scratches, scratches in with toothpaste, use soft dry cloth to wipe can be repaired. On a regular basis to floor tile, Polishing tile) Waxing can have lasting protection, the time interval of 2 ~ 3 months, can effectively restore the surface gloss of ceramic tile, and extend the service life of ceramic tile. To floor tile polishing wax surface processing will stain thoroughly clean first, then, will apply wax on the floor tile, generally within 8 hours after waxing for drying, should not be trample on the surface, to prevent the evidence. If ceramic tile edge or tiny breaks between them, can use white latex will drop a small portion of the paste. More information about toilet of ceramic tile rendering test rendering just to be here to introduce, if in doubt, also can visit our website for consultation.
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